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Tuto 7: Split Lighting and high speed sync flash
Hi all, We will discuss two techniques in this tutorial: the Split Lighting and flash photography in high speed sync mode (Auto FP). S...
Video: Nikon D600 hands-on review
The coolt team of has published on youtube a review of the all new Nikon D600 DLSR cheap FX body. You can have anothe...
DXOMark: new vs. old DSLR, how do they perform?
Every two years, the photokina gives us the opportunity to discover new photo equipments and technologies. This is also the occasion fo...
Setting up bracketing on the Nikon D700 for HDR photography
As you may have followed, I moved from a D7000 to a D700. One thing that I quickly noticed is the fact that unlike the D7000, my new D70...
From Nikon D7000 to Nikon D700, new DX to old FX: can we talk of upgrade?
Hi everybody, With this post, I'd like to share with you my feelings after going for a full frame (FX) body (Nikon D700) from a DX...
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